best part of fieldwork

May 25, 2010 7:24 p.m.

Inspired by my friends' recent photos of colts and fawns, I bring you the bird version of Grover's Book of Cute Little Baby Animals.

Hungry baby blackbird!

Fat baby blackbird! (I found it today, and it's the oldest chick I've had to bleed. There are already nestlings about to fledge? Gotta hustle...)

Baby killdeer! Look at your teeny wings! (This was back in Washington. Every time I saw it in the parking lot, I chased it down and picked it up so we could cuddle. I'm sorry you're so adorable.)

Soon-to-be baby plovers!

PhotobucketAre you hungry, baby mockingbirds? I can't tell if you're hungry. Maybe you should try looking hungrier.

Baby common ground doves! (Isn't squab supposed to be a delicacy? I dunno, I like it when my food doesn't resemble a wax pencil.)


Baby green herons and angry mother heron on camera! I love how the chick on the left is all, "I'm not here. Ignore me. Omigod, please don't eat me." (This was just a few hours ago, and in the background, you can hear the song of the male blackbird whose nest I found. It was a good day.)

I am surrounded by cuteness.

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